Ota yhteyttä!

Voit kysyä meiltä boximme toiminnasta tai yleisesti treenaamisesta oikeastaan mitä vain. Vastaamme mielellämme.



Täytä alla oleva kaavake, otamme sinuun yhteyttä.



Tiesitkö, että suurin osa jäsenistämme elää kiireistä arkea? CrossFit on uniikki treenimuoto, jossa yhdistetään voima- ja kestävyysharjoittelua tehokkaasti. Treeni kestää 60 min- sisään ja ulos, ja olet valmis!



Älä huoli. Koutsimme ohjaa sinua askel askeleelta eteenpäin koko treenin ajan. Pidämme sinusta huolen, olet turvassa.



Jokainen muistaa oman ensimmäisen kertansa. Jokainen muistaa, kuinka sitä jännitti. Älä huoli, pidämme sinusta huolen ja ymmärrämme sinua.



  • avatar image

    Ville Hakala

    2 years ago

    Always fun

    Always fun

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    Jussi-Pekka Martikainen

    3 years ago

    Perfect exercise facility

    Perfect exercise facility

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    Stefan Granroth

    2 weeks ago

    The gym's trainers are great for their expertise, as well as their patience and

    The gym's trainers are great for their expertise, as well as their patience and ability to motivate each trainee personally. Thanks to their guidance, every workout is safe and very effective. The collective spirit of the hall is great. New members are welcomed with open arms and everyone can work at their own level. The workouts still challenge the growth of fitness in an upward direction. The facilities are spacious and well-equipped, which enables versatile training. Several practice rooms also enable the practice to be held at the same time. Crossfit Tuusula is a place where physical fitness increases, and mental resources are also recharged.

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    Niko Hannula

    2 weeks ago

    The facilities and facilities are excellent. The coaches are professionals who are friendly, but at

    The facilities and facilities are excellent. The coaches are professionals who are friendly, but at least the signed person has been able to measure everything possible during the activities (safely!). Having just moved to the town, the training buddies have also been very welcoming and there is a spirit of helping and excellent enthusiasm in everything they do!

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    Kim Torckell

    2 weeks ago

    After a few years off, I returned to the gym and it's still rocking.

    After a few years off, I returned to the gym and it's still rocking. Early morning classes are perfect for families, so there is plenty of time for the children and their hobbies in the afternoons. The plus is that the gym has plenty of space for your own workouts if you don't always have time to go according to the gym's schedule. However, the best thing is the training team and the feeling. I recommend! Morning classes also available in English. ;)

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  • avatar image

    Ville Hakala

    2 years ago

    Always fun

    Always fun

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  • avatar image

    Jussi-Pekka Martikainen

    3 years ago

    Perfect exercise facility

    Perfect exercise facility

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    Stefan Granroth

    2 weeks ago

    The gym's trainers are great for their expertise, as well as their patience and

    The gym's trainers are great for their expertise, as well as their patience and ability to motivate each trainee personally. Thanks to their guidance, every workout is safe and very effective. The collective spirit of the hall is great. New members are welcomed with open arms and everyone can work at their own level. The workouts still challenge the growth of fitness in an upward direction. The facilities are spacious and well-equipped, which enables versatile training. Several practice rooms also enable the practice to be held at the same time. Crossfit Tuusula is a place where physical fitness increases, and mental resources are also recharged.

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  • avatar image

    Niko Hannula

    2 weeks ago

    The facilities and facilities are excellent. The coaches are professionals who are friendly, but at

    The facilities and facilities are excellent. The coaches are professionals who are friendly, but at least the signed person has been able to measure everything possible during the activities (safely!). Having just moved to the town, the training buddies have also been very welcoming and there is a spirit of helping and excellent enthusiasm in everything they do!

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    Kim Torckell

    2 weeks ago

    After a few years off, I returned to the gym and it's still rocking.

    After a few years off, I returned to the gym and it's still rocking. Early morning classes are perfect for families, so there is plenty of time for the children and their hobbies in the afternoons. The plus is that the gym has plenty of space for your own workouts if you don't always have time to go according to the gym's schedule. However, the best thing is the training team and the feeling. I recommend! Morning classes also available in English. ;)

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